The mathematics students need to learn today is not the same mathematics that their parents and grandparents needed to learn. When today’s students become adults, they will face new demands for mathematical proficiency that school mathematics should attempt to anticipate. Moreover, mathematics is a realm no longer restricted to a select few. All young Americans must learn to think mathematically, and they must think mathematically to learn.
Adding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics is about school mathematics from pre-kindergarten to eighth grade. It addresses the concerns expressed by many Americans, from prominent politicians to the people next door, that too few students in our elementary and middle schools are successfully acquiring the mathematical knowledge, the skill, and the confidence they need to use the mathematics they have learned.
Old fashioned Maths
"What's with this new-fangled Maths ?
We did Maths the old-fashioned way, and it worked for us !"
Useful Websites
Remember spirograph?
Here's an electronic version
Lockdown sites
Here are some sites that might be useful during these days when we are not at school (and afterwards!).
The Grade 7s, and even Grade 6s, might find the section on Sequences and Patterns interesting.
NRICH is an excellent site, with hundreds of puzzles and investigations. Solutions are available as well.
Here's an example.
This site is aimed at 11- to 15-year-olds, and consists of weekly Maths challenges

Learning times tables
Sweet Valley Maths